Do You Feel Healthy?

What have you all been up to this summer?

I am hoping that you have all had a good time in what little sunshine we received this summer. I mean, It’s the middle of August and it’s raining. Don’t get me wrong I love the weather that God provides us but when you live in a country that is cold most of the time, you can’t wait for summer, then when it comes, its disappointing. Anywho, I’m not here today to talk about the weather.

I want to share with you I am coping with what is called the green smoothie challenge. I’m sure you have all heard about something along the same line, there are so many challenges out their its quite hard to keep up with them all. Well this challenge was created by and I am loving it, I feel so much better in myself. I’ve reduced all my cravings because it has encouraged me actually maintain a healthier lifestyle, I’ve never eaten so much spinach in my life and I love it!

Checkout the image of Spinach within the slideshow, along with some other special green pictures and don’t forget to check out the website and see if you can manage the green smoothie challenge. Follow me on Instagram for my regular updates of my smoothies or on my facebook page, it motivates me to continue knowing that I might just inspire one of you to get blending. Here is a mini gallery of a couple of my smoothies… Enjoy 🙂

Much Love




Just a quick post about last week’s #brownbeauty


Well last week’s twitter chat was all about the new Dark Girls Documentary which will be premièring in September 2013 at the Museum of London. If you haven’t been following #brownbeauty it is a weekly Twitter chat taking place on Sunday’s which covers a number of topics relating to women of colour.

Watch the trailer of the movie  which will give you a further insight into what the documentary is about and ticket sales.

For Women of Colour (WoC) this can become quite a sensitive topic as many of us have experienced some type of hardship in relation to our skin tone, many WoC are not happy to be dark, it’s almost not an acceptable shade to be in today’s society (if there is even such a thing) where people are advertised to be of lighter skin tones or more simply white.

“The whiter the skin the more beautiful you are”

#brownbeauty is an opportunity for us to come together as a community and celebrate our culture, which is something that our community lacks. It is interesting to explore reasons why we do not connect together but I won’t do that now, I just want to inform you all about the Dark Girls Documentary so you can do some further research for yourself.


Questions which led the #brownbeautychat were:

1. Do you think ‘colourism’ is an issue in the beauty industry or do you think it’s just a myth?

2. Do you think images of WoC are fairly represented in magazines and advertisements?

3. What do you think needs to be done to change things?

Join the Twitter chats and see for yourself what type of community we have and how we can work together to strengthen our community. Drop me a few of comments in relation this this topic, I’d love to hear your views.


Take Care & God Bless





Hi guys,

I hope you are all doing good and you are taking a moment to relax. I took that moment last night when I got involved in the brown beauty chat. Have you heard about it? Well, #brownbeauty is a discussion which has been taking place every Sunday @ 8pm on topics surrounding beauty, blogging and women of colour -hence the title brownbeauty. There have been many strong comments made about what the beauty industry is doing to connect with women of colour, I must say that as a woman of colour I feel that they need to do more.


Brownbeauty is a conversation which can go a lot deeper but to remain focussed we are set 2 – 3 questions to focus on for the one hour that we have, (although the conversation does continue) to ensure that the discussion is focussed. Last night’s discussion focussed on two questions which were:


1.The effect of beauty blogger’s has been explosive, how many of you rely on them for feedback on a new product?

2. Where do blogger’s of colour fit in? Do you feel there is a healthy selection of blogger’s of colour in the mix?


As you can imagine, the response to this was very varied but some similar points came up which were open for discussion. One particular point which stood out to me was that a lot of blogger’s are looking more and more like Barbie dolls as well as all looking the same. I’m sure people are trying to follow beauty blogs to achieve different looks so is it helpful when everyone looks the same?

Answering Q1:





Answering Q2:



There were many debates on these questions, but as A woman who no longer wears make up my opinion is quite limited in the field as I no longer struggle with the problems I once did. On that note, what I can say is ‘when’ I did wear make-up I found that I was forced to wear MAC which on many occasions irritated me because I felt like I had no choice but to wear MAC. On many occasions when I felt a bit rebellious I’d speak to people with a similar complexion to myself to find out what they were wearing but they never worked, I remember trying Maybelline Matt Mousse which made me look yellow and Fashion Fair which done the same thing, I have tried many more but it was so long ago I simply don’t remember them.


Just thought I’d add a photo of myself when I used to try out make up, this is liquid foundation by a company who operate like Avon called FM Cosmetics.


Although I am not a beauty blogger I’d love to hear what your experiences have been or what your opinion is on this topic.

It’ll be great for you to also join the conversation on twitter, do you remember the date?

Sundays @8pm! Don’t miss out – our voice needs to be heard so why not make it louder…


Take care & God bless